Sify Technologies Limited
Apr 25, 4:14:11 AM GMT-4 · USD · NASDAQ · Disclaimer
US listed securityIN headquartered
Previous close
Day range
$1.17 - $1.24
Year range
$1.07 - $3.37
Market cap
217.57M USD
Avg Volume
Income Statement
Net income
(INR)Mar 2024Y/Y change
Operating expense
Net income
Net profit margin
Earnings per share
Effective tax rate
Total assets
Total liabilities
(INR)Mar 2024Y/Y change
Cash and short-term investments
Total assets
Total liabilities
Total equity
Shares outstanding
Price to book
Return on assets
Return on capital
Net change in cash
(INR)Mar 2024Y/Y change
Net income
Cash from operations
Cash from investing
Cash from financing
Net change in cash
Free cash flow
Sify Technologies Limited is an Indian information and communications technology company providing telecom services, data center services, cloud & managed services, transformation integration services, and application integration services. Sify Technologies Limited played a role during the early spread of Internet and e-commerce in India. It has been listed on NASDAQ as SIFY since October 1999. Merrill Lynch was the underwriter for Sify's IPO on the NASDAQ. Sify was founded and led to IPO by R. Ramaraj. Wikipedia
Dec 12, 1995
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