Ateme SA
Apr 26, 11:00:19 PM GMT+2 · EUR · FRA · Disclaimer
StockDE listed security
Previous close
Day range
€6.46 - €6.46
Year range
€3.70 - €10.25
Market cap
77.17M EUR
Avg Volume
P/E ratio
Dividend yield
Primary exchange
Market news
Income Statement
Net income
(EUR)Dec 2023Y/Y change
Operating expense
Net income
Net profit margin
Earnings per share
Effective tax rate
Total assets
Total liabilities
(EUR)Dec 2023Y/Y change
Cash and short-term investments
Total assets
Total liabilities
Total equity
Shares outstanding
Price to book
Return on assets
Return on capital
Net change in cash
(EUR)Dec 2023Y/Y change
Net income
Cash from operations
Cash from investing
Cash from financing
Net change in cash
Free cash flow
Ateme S.A. is a multinational company that specializes in video delivery, namely software for video compression based on H.265 / HEVC standards; MPEG4; MPEG2 encoding / decoding software for contribution links, as well as for multi-screen live streaming, OTT and CDN software; origin-server and packaging software; and cloud DVR technology. The company has its headquarters in Vélizy near Paris, France, with offices that spread over Europe, North America, South America, Asia and Australia. The company also has a worldwide resellers network and operates globally with clients in more than 60 countries. Their technologies reduce bandwidth and infrastructure needs for content providers, service providers, MVPDs and OTT. This reduction in turn helps to play its part in reducing the environmental impact of video delivery on worldwide energy consumption. Products include: Kyrion: High-quality/ultra-low-latency encoding/decoding appliance. TITAN: Software suite for origination, acquisition and compression. NEA: Software suite for origin, packaging, storage, analytics and CDN. AMS/Pilot: Software suite for management, operations and deployment. Wikipedia
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