Home.DJI • Index
Dow Jones Industrial Average
Dow Jones news
By the numbers
Previous close
Day range
40,929.54 - 41,528.11
Year range
37,611.56 - 45,073.63
The Dow Jones Industrial Average, Dow Jones, or simply the Dow, is a stock market index of 30 prominent companies listed on stock exchanges in the United States.
The DJIA is one of the oldest and most commonly followed equity indices. It is price-weighted, unlike other common indexes such as the Nasdaq Composite or S&P 500, which use market capitalization. The DJIA also contains fewer stocks, which could exhibit higher risk; however, it could be less volatile when the market is rapidly rising or falling due to its components being well-established large-cap companies.
The value of the index can also be calculated as the sum of the stock prices of the companies included in the index, divided by a factor, which is approximately 0.163 as of November 2024. The factor is changed whenever a constituent company undergoes a stock split so that the value of the index is unaffected by the stock split.
First calculated on May 26, 1896, the index is the second-oldest among U.S. market indices, after the Dow Jones Transportation Average. Wikipedia